View of a street in New Orleans, complete with horse carriages and deep South greenery.
Self timed, with the camera poised underneath a cannon statue.
A boat called the Natchez!! We sat in this spot for about an hour taking photos and talking about the mysteries of the city.
A shot of the hotel/shops by the waterfront.
I don't know if it's my skillz or the subjects but this one is great.
N'awlins is filled with shops that house everything from hot sauce to alligator heads to shot glasses to voodoo dolls to skeleton name it.
Street corner advice is free...
life partner.
"I hate these stupid self-timer photos."
"Fine, don't be in this one."
"Yeah right!!!! I'm in the middle!"
Fun house mirror in a bathroom off the Natchez.
When grassy fields begin to submerge into swamps.
I just wanted to get my fortune told.
Cafe Bamboo. Those two suckers went back for breakfast the next day.
I only have time for a photo update...more to come soon...I miss the road but appreciate the midwest, especially as summer begins to fade into the best season of all...
hope on the horizon.
i love your n'walins photos.